Comment 20 for bug 870404

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mattubu (mattubu) wrote :

(Please not that I have not used the precise beta yet.)

While I can understand that the problem of the down-arrow is an opinion, I believe it's still a bug because the behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes the imaginary titles aren't focused and sometimes they are (sometimes I need only one down stroke and sometimes I need two).

Since there is also a question of opinion, here is my proposed argument and solution:

Let's say I'm looking for an app that has an 'f.' I will open the dash, and type 'f.' Then I will hit ONE down stroke, which will "select" the Application sections. Then I need to hit a right stroke to select "Show x more," and my apps will be displayed.

Let's say I'm looking to start Firefox. I will open the dash, and type 'firefox.' Then I will hit one down stroke to "select" the Applications section, and a second one to get to Firefox.

The main problem is the imaginary selection. If this is left in, then there needs to be an obvious indicator that the first stroke was registered and that it is intentional that the title is selected (I imagine someone can come up with a good indicator). The other thing is that something needs to be able to happen when this indicator is selected - otherwise what's the point? A casual user wouldn't immediately realize it's for muscle memory.

Proposed solution:
Remove the "show x more" option from the title bar level, and add place it on the level of the application/file icons, right before the first hit. That way, when the user types something, the first downstroke brings him/her directly to the first hit. If the user wanted to show more files, a simple left stroke will bring him/her there. This will leave the number of strokes for more files unchanged, and make the first application selection one stroke, and always one stroke.

I attached a very crude mockup.