Comment 11 for bug 868510

Revision history for this message
Stéphane Guillou (stephane-guillou) wrote :

On 12.04 beta up to date (unity 2D), smooth scroll never works with the mousewheel.

However, I found it works with the touchpad for:
- Update manager
- Nautilus
- System parameters
- Software Center

And doesn't work at all with:
- Synaptic
- LibreOffice
- Firefox
- Launcher
- Dash
- Evince
- Terminal

My concerns are:
- It should work for every default app at least;
- Even though it works with the touchpad in USC, it is painfully slow on my Samsung N310 and "greys out" the window constantly;
- It should definitely be available for Firefox, LibreOffice and Evince as those are apps where one would frequently read extent written material.