Comment 0 for bug 841899

Revision history for this message
John Lea (johnlea) wrote :

There are a number of issues with the"Decade" and "Size" dash filter category widgets.

As this widget follows the same design pattern as used by the Spotify decade filter, the first step to understanding these issues is to have a good play with the very good Spotify implementation. To find this widget in Spotify, select 'radio' in the top left panel, and then the decade filter will appear at the top of the body area. Specifically examine how this widget responds to cursor drag interactions.

Desired Resolution:

- Implement drag interactions in the same style as the Spotify decade selector.

- Correct the height of this widget to match the design

- Correct the corner radius of this widget to match the design.

- Correct the click interactions, again using the Spotify widget as a model of the desired behaviour. Specific items in need of attention includes shortening the selection by clicking on a item inside the range (should shorten to *include* the item clicked on) and the behaviour when only two segments are selected and one of them is then clicked on.

- Remove the ellipsising ("...") of filters too long to fit into their box. Each notch's box only needs to be length of it's label (they don't all need to be the same width). See the visual design.
