Comment 5 for bug 766612

Revision history for this message
tankdriver (stoneraider-deactivatedaccount) wrote : Re: nfs mount points do not appear in the unity launcher and there is no way to add them manually

I came across this bug while testing oneiric, and something changed:

x) With natty, everything mounted in /media appeared on the desktop.
   (does not matter if automounted or in fstab/manual)

x) With oneiric, generally nothing mounted appears on the desktop. (I think this is by design)
  - USB-Sticks, external drives, other partitions [auto]mounted in /media appear in the launcher and inside a nautilus window in section "Devices"
  - SMB or NFS Shares mounted in /media via fstab appear inside nautilus in section "Computer" BUT NOT in the launcher
  - SMB Shares mounted via "Browse Network" inside appear in section "Network", nothing in the Launcher.

I like the old behaviour more. (one click instead of opening nautilus and selecting shortcut)
Keep in mind: This behaviour is for users who edit their /etc/fstab files and expect, when the mountpoint is on /media, a icon somewhere on the left side of their Desktop appears, representing(and pointing) to that mount. If the mount should be hidden, they can use /mnt anyway.
I think the user should be able to decide if there is a icon of a "manual mount" on the launcher or not.
The default setting of the launcher is "Show Devices: Only Mounted", so I does not think that we have a problem with clutter

Even in GNOME SHELL, SMB shares mounted via fstab appear directly on the "Desktop" in the right bottom. (label: "Removable device")