Comment 0 for bug 736734

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Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

unity 3.6.4-0ubuntu1, Ubuntu Natty

1. Click the Ubuntu button.

What you see:
A. The Dash covers part of the screen.
B. Around the bottom and right edges (but not the top and left edges) is a bright single-pixel border, then a very wide, semi-transparent border, then another bright single-pixel border.
C. Clicking the border does nothing, except right in the corner where the maximize widget is.

This looks ugly.

What you should see: either
A. The Dash always covers all of the screen; or
B. the border around the Dash edges is much narrower, with the maximize widget going inside the Dash instead; and/or
C. dragging the border resizes the Dash.

I suggest B.