Comment 3 for bug 632956

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

In all four players I just tried -- Banshee, Amarok, Rhythmbox, and Clementine -- the Next button is available while playing the last track in a playlist. In Rhythmbox when Repeat is on, and in Banshee and Amarok, it loops around to the start of the first track. In Rhythmbox when Repeat is off, and in Clementine, it stops playback.

I think what an application's Back/Previous and Forward/Next buttons should do in the menu should be consistent with that they do in the application, which is up to the designers of that application. That means I've probably overstepped the mark in defining what the buttons in the menu should do as much as I have. <> If there's a way for the menu to just tell the application "navigate previous", "navigate next", "rewinding ... still rewinding" and "fast-forwarding ... still fast-forwarding", and leave it up to the application to decide what it does in response, I would prefer it if we just did that.

Separately, as I've written, applications should be able to make the Back and/or Forward buttons insensitive when they think it appropriate. Though if that's not possible already, it's probably a low priority since those four major players don't need it.