Comment 0 for bug 15495

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Stuart Langridge (sil-kryogenix) wrote :

A new user thinks "I need to create a zip file", and doesn't know how to do it.
If you don't know that a zip file is an "archive", which many new users do not,
then it's very difficult to tell how to create one. "Create archive" on the
Nautilus context menu, "Archive Manager" in the Applications menu, etc, are all
meaningless. (This happened to me today when someone I know rang me for
technical support to ask how to create a zip file, and when I explained how, he
said "what's an archive?")

Suggested fixes (to be taken with a very large pinch of salt and replaced with
better suggestions):
Change "Create archive" to "Create compressed file" on the context menu
Change "Archive Manager" to "Compressed Files" on the Applications menu (with
tooltip "Create and edit compressed files")