
Comment 13 for bug 160375

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pavpanchekha (pavpanchekha) wrote :

I don't suppose the applets can be packaged as EGG's? Though that has problems of its own. Don't know how easy that would be, am not too familiar with easy_install.

add possibility to download and install python applet with awn-manager, like a deb repo but for awn applets.

I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to implement, but this would mean:
1. A lot more work on the manager, which is already in need of updates
2. Cutting off all those users who have no internet (which, granted isn't as important)
3. Requiring a lot more work on the server half of this, whereas now we're letting others provide that.

Plus this introduces a lot more problems in terms of errors that could come up. Plus, replicating a system as complex as apt would be a major undertaking, best avaoided if possible (after all: stacks plugger depends on stacks, so does stacks trash, so we'd need to handle that.) Perhaps this could be done, but I don't see why it should be. In any case, the central question is how to handle dependancies in particular.

add depends somewhere (maybe the .desktop) and use policykit/packagekit or other tool to install missing depends.

I don't know how easy this would be to implement in practice, but it seems like a good idea. Again, though, this would leave the burden on the developer to provide package lists. Also, what happens if a system does not have package/policykit installed? I know that hardy should come with one of them by default, but other distros may not have them and anyway many people use old releases (compatibility, afraid to upgrade, support...)