Comment 5 for bug 398226

Revision history for this message
onox (onox) wrote :

You should better read my previous post. It has nothing to do with awnlib. awnlib just contains a nice method with a short name that just calls gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(). It's not up to awnlib to decide what icons to set, it's volume-control.

"It is true that "/usr/share/icons/gnome-brave/scalable/status/audio-volume-muted.svg" doesn't exist. However, take a look of the theme setting,"

You see ^, the svg file does not exist. The old volume-control does not use themes, it mimicks themes by just computing a list of themes that have audio-volume-high.svg. For those themes, it assumes it can find all the other files in the directory /usr/icons/<theme name>/scalable/status/. It knows _nothing_ about index.theme files and the whole icon theme specification. I know this is dumb and stupid, and therefore, moonbeam coded in Awn 0.4 some API that does know about the icon theme specification. The new volume-control (in extras 0.4) will use this API and therefore benefit from it. So, like I said before, you just have to wait until you can install this new code (0.4 branch will be merged with trunk this month if I'm not mistaken, and then you can download PPAs.

Btw, with the "missing icon" icon, I meant a black box with white border that basically says: "My name is Gtk+ and I couldn't find the icon you were looking for".