Comment 4 for bug 1341671

Revision history for this message
Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote :

I have found a reliable way of reproducing this issue which I have described below. I do not know why it happens unfortunately but hope this helps in figuring out why.

Open the code attached in Qtc, and open the SimplePage.qml file. The file is essentially something as simple as,

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.1

Page {
    id: simplePage
    objectName: "simplePage"

    //property string testProperty: "woohoo"


    Label {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "run"

If you check in autopilot3 vis, you will notice that the object tree shows this as "Page11". However, if you uncomment the testProperty line and then check again in autopilot3 vis, you will see it appear as "SimplePage". Somehow the property declared in the property change the public object type name.

I have this exact same issue with the Clock App AP tests.