Comment 0 for bug 1182369

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Nick Dedekind (nick-dedekind) wrote :

Found this in the Indicators. Not sure if it's a problem with autopilot or qt.
If the subclass does not have it's own local properties the class name end's up at the first ancestor which does.

eg: (from indicators-client)

ListItem.Standard {
    property bool listViewIsCurrentItem : false
    property QtObject menu
    . . .

BasicMenu {
    . . .
    color: "#221e1c"
    HLine { ... }
    HLine { ... }
    . . .

Menu {
    id: _switchMenu
    . . .
   control: Switch { ... }
   DBusActionState { ... }
    . . .
}"SwitchMenu", _switchMenu") returns None"*", _switchMenu") returns a BasicMenu_QMLTYPE_XXX

If you add a local property to SwitchMenu (eg property alias checked : switch.checked)"SwitchMenu", _switchMenu") returns a SwitchMenu_QMLTYPE_XXX

Could be something to do with the metaType className ?