Comment 8 for bug 1916072

Revision history for this message
simplenuity (simplenuity) wrote :

Hi Osmo,

the following command run via CLI didn't succeed, results have been even worse on the Microphone part:

gst-launch-1.0 -e liveadder name=mixer ! level ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lamemp3enc name=enc target=0 quality=2 ! filesink location=test.mp3 pulsesrc device=alsa_output.usb-GN_Audio_A_S_Jabra_EVOLVE_30_II_00024508911A07-00.analog-stereo.monitor ! mixer. pulsesrc device=alsa_input.usb-GN_Audio_A_S_Jabra_EVOLVE_30_II_00024508911A07-00.analog-mono ! mixer.

error message again:

WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPulseSrc:pulsesrc0: Can't record audio fast enough
Additional debug info:
gstaudiobasesrc.c(849): gst_audio_base_src_create (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPulseSrc:pulsesrc0:
Dropped 48510 samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.

But interestingly this time the recording with the GUI (using "audiomixer" element) was just fine!

I'll keep on testing...