Comment 5 for bug 479513

Revision history for this message
Nikodemus Siivola (nikodemus) wrote :

This feels out of scope for out-of-the-box ASDF to me. I'm not dead-set against it, but it seems like the notion of "operation" here is very different from ASDF's notion of operation.

What you want seems to be something like

 (do-lisps (lisp *all-lisps*)
   (unless (= 42 (run-lisp lisp
                              (require :asdf)
                              (asdf:load-system :foo)
                              (asdf:test-system :foo)
                              (fooext:quit 42))))
    (error "~A didn't pass the muster" lisp)))

which to me seems to have very little to do with ASDF.