Comment 2 for bug 1621919

Revision history for this message
pipping (pipping) wrote :

Right, I did not expect anyone other than myself to come up with a patch but mostly meant to make this issue public and known (that is, findable through everyone's favourite search engine).

This issue affects SBCL.
It may or may not affect Clisp. Clisp on OpenBSD is so old that it has other open bugs that lead to test failures.
This issue does not affect ECL (which passes all tests).

The best way I've found so far to determine mount options is through this script:


disk=$(df -P $1 | awk 'NR == 2 { print $1 }');
mount_options=$(mount | awk -v disk=$disk '$1 == disk { print }' | awk -F '[()]' '{print $(NF-1)}')

echo ${mount_options}

which works as follows:
# ./ .
# ./ /usr/local/
local, nodev, wxallowed

`uname -r` gives us the version info we need:
# uname -r

SBCL fortunately has :openbsd in *features* that we can test with (clisp wouldn't).