Comment 6 for bug 1490585

Revision history for this message
Daniel KochmaƄski (jackdaniel) wrote :

Fixes bug for building a standalone executables :) full list of changes between 16.0.0 and 16.1.2:
* 16.1.2 changes since 16.0.0

** API changes

   - =si:do-defsetf= accepts optional parameter stores.\\
     New lambda-list:\\
     =(access-fn function &optional (stores-no 1))=.\\
     This change is backward compatible.

   - New MP functions:\\
     =mp:try-get-semaphore= (non-blocking)\\
     =mp:mailbox-try-read= (non-blocking)\\
     =mp:mailbox-try-send= (non-blocking)

   - Added back removed C interfaces\\

   - When =cl-truename= encounters a broken symlink, it returns its path
     instead of signalling a file-error

   - Deprecated variables has been removed
     =c::*suppress-compiler-warnings*=, =c::*suppress-compiler-notes*=

   - Random state might be initialized by a random seed (truncated to
     32bit value) or by a precomputed array.

     Latter is designed to allow reading back the printed random state
     (when printed readably), not as an array to initialize the random

   - C99 supporting compiler is mandatory for C backend.

   - =COMPILER::*CC_IS_CXX*=: New variable to switch the output extension of
     emitted compiler code to ".cxx" when configured with "--with-c++". This
     eliminates compiler warnings that compiling C++ with a ".c" extension is
     deprecated; this is seen mostly with Clang++.

   - =GRAY:CLOSE= isn't specialized on =T= to preserve compatibility with some

** Enhancements:

   - Added code walker (present in =*features*= as =:walker=)

   - Testing framework initial cleanup

   - Format fallbacks to =prin1= if infinity or NaN are passed to it

   - Annotations are added at runtime (better integration with SLIME)

   - Mersenne-Twister RNG has new 64 bit implementation for appropriate

   - Add sockets implementation for the android platform

   - Add android build target (official android support)

   - Added Clang-specific pragmas to disable return type, unused value and
     excessive parentheses warnings, which are fairly harmless, but annoying
     and clutter user output.

** Issues fixed:

   - =si:open-unix-socket-stream= accepts both string and base-string
     (automatic coercion is performed)

   - Long form of =DEFSETF= accepts multiple-values as a store forms:

     #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
       (defsetf gah (x) (y z) `(list ,x ,y ,z))
       (setf (gah 3) (values 3 4))

   - Building with single-threaded boehm works if ECL threads are disabled

   - Using labels works with sharp-S-reader

     #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
        "(#1=\"Hello\" #S(sharp-s-reader.1.example-struct :A #1#))")

   - Generated C code works well with IEEE 754 infinities
     (regression tests created)

   - User-defined heap sizes can now exceed the size of a fixnum on 32-bit

   - The heap size limit was intended to be 1GB on 32-bit or 4GB on 64-bit
     but inconsistency between =ECL_FIXNUM_BITS= and =FIXNUM_BITS= in the code
     prevented the heap to grow for 64-bit. This now occurs, and a few
     other less visible bugs were fixed by restoring consistency to

   - =EXT:EXTERNAL-PROCESS-WAIT= potential race condition fix

   - Building with object files not created by ECL works (CFFI wrappers)

   - Regression regarding initialization of build by ECL libraries from
     external code fixed. Static and shared libraries initialization
     funcitons has predetermined name while object files has randomized

   - Random state initial state generation was buggy and insecure (entropy
     from urandom was rejected)

   - Fix =listen= on streams when =FILE_CNT= isn't available (use read instad
     of fread)

   - =FIND= compiled with C compiler didn't respect =START= nor =END=
     arguments. Compiler macro is fixed now and should work as expected

   - =compute-applicable-methods-using-classes= bugfix