Comment 1 for bug 1068868

Revision history for this message
Kael Shipman (kael-shipman) wrote :

I confess, I'm a novice as far as the internals of the standard configure/make/make-install process, but I figured out a very dirty fix that allows artha to be compiled. Maybe it will help you build the package, or help someone else get past this error, since there doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation about it online:

1. Run configure with whatever options you want.
2. Now open src/Makefile in your text editor
3. Find the following lines:
    128 am__objects_1 = eggaccelerators.$(OBJEXT) \
    129 tomboyutil.$(OBJEXT) instance_handler.$(OBJEXT)
As you can see, for me these were lines 128 and 129.
4. Add /usr/lib/ to the end of the second line. The two lines should now look like this:
    128 am__objects_1 = eggaccelerators.$(OBJEXT) \
    129 tomboyutil.$(OBJEXT) instance_handler.$(OBJEXT) /usr/lib/
5. Save the file
6. Now run make. You shouldn't get any more errors.
7. Run make install

Hope that helps someone!