Comment 0 for bug 896214

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EricAnimeFreak (ericanimefreak) wrote :

I Originally thought the tag ListIndex was the cause, but original game seems to be the cause of "Make Ally" Triggers not being respected. Thanks westwood. Anyways, the trigger is not always respected, and some starting positions will have their radar go down during a civilian created weatherstorm, even though triggers have been set to make civilian Allys with those countries.

Unrelated note: "feel free to ignore this suggestion."
I'd also like to suggest that Ares Weatherstorm tags would be respected by FA2 as a minor fix instead.
Such as:
Lightning.RadarOutage= (integer – frames)
Lightning.RadarOutageAffects= (enum)
Lightning.IgnoreLightningRod= (boolean)

I have provided a map. This map fires a trigger to make civilian allies with all players on map. Then every 40 seconds a weather storm is spawned at the center of the map. Using the unmodified original game or Ares will result in certain starting positions radar being disabled.

Please note a related bug. Starting Ares with 1 player on map always disables the radar regardless, so test with 2 players present.

I'd like this fixed personally for my mod, but also understand it should not be a major priority. Mostly I'd like to let others know this bug exists.