Comment 66 for bug 896158

Revision history for this message
WoRmINaToR (worminator) wrote :

Okay, this is a long shot, but try disabling Avira AntiVir (if that's even possible). I used that for awhile and it kept killing Syringe.exe (because it injects code into a process during runtime; in Avira's eyes that's a virus) anytime I tried to run it. The case could be different because it's Win7, but Avira could be overscanning Syringe.exe because of its code-injecting nature.

Like I said, it's a long shot but it might help because I had problems with Avira and Syringe.exe before.

However, I did test this with the original revision in which hogo reported the slowdowns, and indeed the surface-memory allocation is again messed up in that revision (and many that follow), so I'm not ruling that out as a possible cause. Testing 1050 now to make sure that's all fixed...

EDIT: And I can confirm the slowdown's fixed for me... what the heck is still wrong with Hogo's setup...?