Comment 3 for bug 895527

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Renegade (renegade) wrote :

Path finding in direction x.5?
Non-center positioning/crossing for non-infantry SHP units?
Hit decisions about upper/lower parts of diagonal adjacent cells?
Facing decisions about upper/lower parts of diagonal adjacent cells?

Because, let's be honest - a graphical improvement only makes sense if it actually works.
If we fix it up so a GI can face specifically at the lower part of an adjacent diagonal cell, and then it awkwardly fires at an impossible angle at the center of the cell, or at soldiers at a 45° angle to him, there's not much of an improvement there - you'll just see even more how simplistic the system is.

Yes, some things are just graphical improvements - but what's the point of a graphical change that implies possibilities that aren't there?
If you allow units to face at direction 4.5, but they can't actually shoot or move or really do anything in that direction, then you're confusing the viewer and generating visual incompatibility with the existing effects.