Comment 5 for bug 895223

Revision history for this message
modder666 (modder666) wrote :

Lemme take a stab at tagging this up.

[UpgradeTypes] ;list all upgrades here similar to SuperWeapons or buildings
1=Upgrade ;weapon upgrade

[Upgrade] ;Upgrade entry
Upgrade=yes ;Tells the game device is an Upgrade
UIName=Name:Upgrade ;string for upgrade
Upgrade.TechnoType=VehicleTypes ;VehicleTypes, BuildingTypes, InfantryTypes, AircraftTypes
Upgrade.Class=Primary,Secondary ;could be almost any of the regular tags for the corresponding technotype
Upgrade.NewVersion=120mmx,MammothTusk ;listing multiple entries in a corresponding system would allow for multiple upgrades
Upgrade.UnitUpgrade=HTNK ;enables this to apply to anything listed, and could accept multiple entries
Upgrade.Replace=yes ;can be set to yes or no in order to decide if the upgrade applies to any units already created or just to new units
Upgrade.Blackout=yes ;the blackout / disappear idea from OP
Upgrade.Cameo=APOCUPICON ;the cameo file for the user to see
Cost=1000 ;cost of the upgrade

Potential tags that could be considered:
Upgrade.Level=green ;could be veteran or elite in order to filter out which level, defaults to all
Upgrade.BuildSpeed=.7 ;can be changed from cost for gameplay effects
Upgrade.Afflicted=yes ;carries over to units under temporal/mind control from an opposing side

Any better, nonregistered user? This follows the Ares system, and allows for massive customization.