Comment 19 for bug 895031

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Renegade (renegade) wrote :

Alright, here's the deal: This is pretty much the biggest and most complex feature left for 0.2, and implementing it could possibly take quite a while.

That in itself would not be a problem, and I take it from the support marked in ICS that many of you wouldn't have a problem with that.

However, if you go back over the discussion, while there is a certain basic consensus on that Slaves should be more liberal and be able to actually fight rather than just mine, beyond that, it's not really clearly defined what exactly the community wants Slaves to be able to do, and what not.

There are a bunch of ideas from individuals which are all interesting, but there is no common set of "we want Slaves to be expanded to do the following things as part of this issue".

As such, in the interest of defining this issue more clearly before implementation and in the interest of releasing 0.2 sooner to switch to 0.3's quicker release cycles, I am hereby un-targeting this for 0.2, and am requesting more feedback on this issue.

Basically, the question to answer is: What exactly do you want?
From a quick glance over the discussion, the following things popped out at me:

- The ability to give them normal weapons and allowing them to use them normally
- The ability to give them a target (as in, commanding all slaves to attack one target) if wished
- The ability to spawn and be spawned by VehicleTypes; if we enabled slaves on TechnoTypes in general, combined with liberating them to be general combatants, this would basically implement #bug:1009

So...what do you want? What general behavior/freedoms do you expect, what special functionality should work or be created, what additional stock functionalities do you expect to work on slaves?

In addition to that fundamental question over the actual nature of this request, there's also the question of "how important is this to you?".
I know this is in the Top 5 of ICS, so I figure you'd all like to see it a lot, but I'd like to hear whether you want this more than #bug:981 or #bug:634, for example, or whether there are other arguments for doing this sooner or later than other requests.