Comment 19 for bug 895003

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Holy_Master (holy-master) wrote :

personally i dont care any about idle anim from this logic but i care only this logic can to make shp balloon hover unit work perfect. since flying [balloon] infantry don't have any problem like vehicle. [it have move , idle , attack animation working already it can fire the weapon and turn his face follow their target [this most important] and create shadow on ground].

however i hear someone request for dog kennel logic? because that logic can do what i want either, if unit that get creation from kennel have unique build queue. [just give option to put vehicle heal bar for this unit]

---------------- below is my opinion about shp making you can avoid to read this if you think it will waste your time -----------

since i work on shp unit i take only few time to work with unit in frame by frame mostly work very well after render. and most incorrect color [include remap] can be fix by OS shp Builder in few minute. [i can tell you how i fix remap color with out working frame by frame if you want to know]

Vxl "Normal" is real pain , it even harder than fix color in shp frame by frame. i know vxl editor can generate it but finally the best way to get best normal is paint it all by hand like mostly skilled vxl maker does. and i'm sure even by skilled voxeler it still take load of time to done this.

that make me believe, making vxl is easy but to make real good looking vxl is alot harder than making good looking shp, what ever color i put to vxl can be bend by game lighting.

[ this's my voxel that i create by using 3ds to vxl convertor but it still get black dot , too bright problem when display in game [none of editor can show what ingame looklike when it effect by game lighting] and i'm sure i cant fix all of these in 1-2 hour. ]

- animation part in vxl can't create shadow.

and most unit in my mod screenshot [previous reply] you see use same palette [All of them is shp, GDI and Fed Unit use their own faction palette ] i'm welcome to give my time for whole day to make new pal if i can use it to apply unit for whole faction. some color may be lost or bend but it not serious problem becaus it not too different from original color.

[ i know my texture is something i overdone for this game [because my personal joyfully ]

but truly you don't even need texture to make your unit look good [i'm not sure this's Pepsi or Gangster unit?]

- writing new sequence isn't problem since i done the model , animation , and render it by self i know the frame number on what my unit do already.

finally only time i need to spend is only just making model/texture and animation.

for lighting , camera direction can be done by max script like Flyby RA2_TOOLSET.