Comment 0 for bug 1326803

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mevitar (mevitar) wrote :

While bug#1283653 was fixed, i recently noticed a similar thing to happen when no open topped unit was used. The units used were: a lot of ground anti-structure infantry (long-ish range, was on the edge of Tesla Coil's range) and lots of Rocketeers, all attacking a single Tesla Coil. The coil, after firing once, kept constantly recharging, unable to fire at anything, while being attacked by the mentioned units.

The Ares build used was one of the 0.7 builds, 14.125.48 if i remember correctly.

I didn't try to reproduce this issue yet, nor do i know if it happens without Ares, or is it an issue caused by Ares, but it happens for sure. If it's not Ares fault, i wouldn't be surprised if this bug would reemerge in the future (with the structure again trying to retaliate against something it cannot attack).

I'll post the details when/if i succeed with reproducing it.