Comment 10 for bug 1066233

Revision history for this message
mevitar (mevitar) wrote :

I managed to replicate aircrafts not leaving the map bug, and it appears to be caused solely by FlyBy=yes on the aircraft. If such aircraft will end its attack mission with ammo left, it might end up unable to leave the map. Apparently, in that case, the game does different checks for the aircraft when it gets close to he border.

If its ROT to Speed ratio is low enough, it might still vanish at one point in the game, if the circles it will be doing will be big enough. I suspect that it has something to do with the aircraft trying to reach the visible map border in case of no ammo left or FlyBy=no, while it tries to reach the map border if it has FlyBy=yes and still has ammo left (at least that's how it looks like: FlyBy=no vanishes after "touching" the visible area limit, FlyBy=yes passes through it and may start circling around it, until it reaches some unknown point behind the visible area).

I can't get the aircrafts to continue attacking a cell that spawned rubble from a player owned building, even with exact copy of your aircraft (except for the name and owners). Both civilian and player owned buildings (occupied or captured, doesn't matter) force the aircraft to stop attacking the cell when they spawn regular rubble.