Comment 15 for bug 1059189

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mevitar (mevitar) wrote :

I can confirm that it works, although with some exceptions, so i'll explain exactly what i tested below (tested in 13.210.1131).

* the AE pauses while the temporal effect lasts, but the animation still goes on, dealing damage normally if has any <this works>
* if the temporal effect is broken, AE resumes from where it paused, and the animation restarts (it will play from its first frame again, even if it was on the middle frame just before temporal effect ended) <this works, although graphically it might look bad>
* if a unit has a permanent AE animation on it, the animation will always play constantly while the unit is being warped away (even if normally the animation plays for a moment and has a long delay before it appears again! more than that, it will instantly appear on the unit each time it is warped away, even if the time for that didn't come yet) <this doesn't work like it should>

* an object affected by an AE loses the AE animation and the effect itself pauses while being affected by a temporal warhead (however, if the animation has any sound on it, the sound will still play!) <this works, except for sound>
* AE animation will still appear when a warhead hits a unit that is being warped away, just as if the warhead had AttachEffect.TemporalHidesAnim=no on it (the timer won't move, and the effect will be paused, but the animation will still play) <this doesn't work like it should>
* if a unit has a permanent AE animation on it, there's no difference from what happens with AE warheads (the anim vanishes, but the sound will still play) <this works, except for sound>

I think i didn't miss anything...