Comment 6 for bug 856035

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Murray (jmvcilus) wrote :

Well, I was in need of fixing this last night and cam across the pianobar fix online. So I figured out how to implement the fix for pithos to get it up and running again via the same method. So, for those of you that just cant wait, here's what I did to fix pithos.

1. Download the source via the bzr branch instructions on
2. Instead of running the last line to install open the pithos folder, then the pandora folder
3. Find and open it with your editor
4.Find line 24 and change PROTOCOL_VERSION = "31" to PROTOCOL_VERSION="32"
5. then go back up to the main pithos directory and build/install as usual

This worked for me and got pithos up and running again. If there is already a fix out there somewhere sorry for the intrusion. Just thought I would offer this for anyone still having troubles.