Comment 66 for bug 1166442

Revision history for this message
Dave Lane (lightweight) wrote :


Doh! Yes, I did include this as a new file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf (and I had to create the directory, too).

-- start 50-synaptics.conf --

# see
Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier "Elantech Touchpad"
# MatchIsTouchpad "on"
   Driver "synaptics"
   Option "BottomEdge" "590"
   Option "RightEdge" "750"
   Option "UpDownScrolling" "true"
   Option "LeftRightScrolling" "true"
   Option "PalmDetect" "true"
   Option "PalmMinWidth" "1"
   Option "PalmMinZ" "2"

-- end file --

I note that some of the sub-tabs in the Touchpad section of the gpointing-device-settings app are set but are greyed out (i.e. disabled) which is probably because those options are being set with these xorg settings. Will have to try commenting them out to see if that makes things more maleable.