Comment 14 for bug 1194871

Revision history for this message
Jozef Vesely (jove) wrote :

I found some time to debug:

extension/implementation/script.cpp line: 722
here mydoc is no longer needed (it has been merged into doc),
reference is dropped (debug log says to zero) but the destructor is not called (ever).
I don't really know how the garbage collector works but it seems it still sees some references to mydoc.

Setting mydoc = NULL; does not help.

Calling delete mydoc; solves the problem, however GC probably would not be too happy about it once it decides
delete it itself (again I've no idea how your GC works).

I also noticed that pump_events(); at line 731 leads to call of sp_document_idle_handler and eventually
to the update of mydoc, that unnecessarily loads the pixmaps (they are loaded for doc afterwards and mydoc is deleted anyway).
Nothing seems to break by commenting it out.