Comment 0 for bug 245716

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Scott Severance (scott.severance) wrote :

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open a tarball with file-roller
2. Open a file within the archive without explicitly extracting it. (Such as by double clicking the file)
3. Notice that the file is extracted to a directory ~/.fr-*
4. Close file-roller. If you used file-roller's GUI to exit, the temporary file(s) and directory are deleted. However, if you kill it via SIGTERM or logout without exiting file-roller (I presume that sends either SIGTERM or SIGHUP), the temp files are left behind.

There are two problems with this:

1. file-roller should clean up its temp files on exit, regardless of the exit method (with the obvious exception of SIGKILL, which can't be trapped).
2. The proper place for temporary files is /tmp. Dotfiles in $HOME are for program settings and the like. In the event that file-roller doesn't clean up its temp files, they just pollute $HOME and waste disk space. However, /tmp is cleaned on boot (or is it in shutdown?), so pollution and wasted disk space is minimized.