Comment 63 for bug 767975

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bruno (brunob) wrote :

On an Acer Open AO722, the "acpi_sleep=s3_bios" option doesn't help.

However, I can force the laptop to resume if I suspend manually from a tty. It's not an acceptable workaround, but with some help it should be possible to get one. Actually, I'm on Mint Debian but I'm pretty sure that the trick (adapted) should work on ubuntu flavours. Here is what I do In details:

1) CTRL-ALT-F1 and login on this text console.
2) sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
3) press a key to wake the laptop => see nothing but...
4) sudo vbetool post => I enter this command "in blind" and then the backlight appears!
5) with one or two "enter" keystroke, I get the command prompt!

At this point, I can't return to X (CTRL-ALT_F7). If I do, I will have to reboot the laptop (complete freeze). However, if I do another suspend-wake-vbetool in the text console I can return to X after. No idea why I have to do it twice, but it works. The funny thing is that if I suspend the laptop from X at this point, it works but I get a corrupted display at resume and have to restart X. This may be another issue. But hey, there is hope!!!

I had the idea to add the "vbetool post" command in a script called in the wake process. I did it in /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/000kernel-change because it seems to be the last script called. It works! No need to run the step 4 in blind anymore! However, I still have to suspend from a tty, do it twice and by hand since I don't know how the apply the power management settings for a tty (close the lid or suspend button do nothing here).

Clearly, the laptop can sleep and resume. Does anybody have a clue to improve the workaround? Of course, I would like to suspend from X. But if I have to do it in a tty, if would be nice to just close the lid and do it only one time.