Comment 19 for bug 767498

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

This is currently being worked on.

13:33 < cjwatson> stgraber,kees: or perhaps --error-handler=true ...
13:33 -!- chrisccoulson [~chr1s@ubuntu/member/chrisccoulson] has joined
13:33 < kees> cjwatson: yeah, that might be the better approach, since "start"
              really should fail if it's disabled, imo
13:34 -!- bryceh [~<email address hidden>] has
          joined #ubuntu-devel
13:34 < cjwatson> kees: IIRC, it might need to be '|| { stop; exit 0; }' or
                  some such, if we were going for exit 0
13:34 < cjwatson> though I'd have to check - error-handler is simpler
13:34 < stgraber> yeah, I guess it makes sense for start to fail when the
                  service is disabled as it didn't start :)
13:34 -!- tremolux [~<email address hidden>] has
          quit [Quit: Bye]
13:35 < cjwatson> does one of you want to take care of this, or should I?
13:35 < cjwatson> if somebody else does, I can accept it through the queue :-)
13:36 < stgraber> I can do it