Comment 0 for bug 1839420

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Alex Murray (alexmurray) wrote :

Author: Sander Bos, <>

Date: 2019-07-30

As defined in data/apport, when Apport thinks a crash
originated in a container it will forward the crash handling to a
/proc/<pid>/root/run/apport.socket file, using /proc/ information from
the crashed process:

    424 if not is_same_ns(host_pid, "pid") and not is_same_ns(host_pid, "mnt"):
    425 # If the crash came from a container, don't attempt to handle
    426 # locally as that would just result in wrong system information.
    428 # Instead, attempt to find apport inside the container and
    429 # forward the process information there.
    436 try:
    437 sock.connect('/proc/%d/root/run/apport.socket' % host_pid)

Normally, a user can't change the root directory of a process since the
chroot(2) system call can only be used by root / privileged processes.
This also means only processes set up by the super user may have a
different root directory, e.g., legitimate LXC containers, and that root
can trust the value of the root directory.

However, a user can create a user namespace using unshare(2), define
itself root in it, and then in fact be able to use chroot(2). Then,
/proc/<pid>/root/ for that process can lead anywhere. Thus, the root
directory should not be trusted by Apport, since it is user controllable,
meaning the /root/run/apport.socket path can't be trusted either to
be in fact an actual, legitimate Apport socket file within an actual,
legitimate container.

The same applies to the /run/ directory within the root directory of the
process, even when the user did not use chroot(2), as the user can define
a /run/ mount point within a user namespace when combined with unsharing
the mount namespace (and due to the fact that the /run/ directory gets
accessed by Apport via /proc/ instead of via an actual file system
path, making it "see" such in-namespace mount point). Thus, not only
/proc/<pid>/root/ is user-controllable, but also /proc/<pid>/root/run/,
and neither can be trusted.

Example of manipulating the root directory via a user namespace:

   user@ubuntu$ chroot /bin/ ./busybox sleep 100 # normal situation, chroot(2) not permitted
   chroot: cannot change root directory to '/bin/': Operation not permitted
   user@ubuntu$ unshare -Ufmpr chroot /bin/ ./busybox sleep 100 # this works

   root@ubuntu# readlink /proc/$(pgrep busybox)/root

Example of manipulating /run/ via a user namespace (the two command
lines are started simultaneously):

   user@ubuntu$ echo 'sleep 5; mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /run; touch /run/apport.socket; sleep 5' | unshare -Ufmpr sh

   root@ubuntu# sleep 2; ls /proc/$(pgrep unshare)/root/run/apport.socket; sleep 5; ls /proc/$(pgrep unshare)/root/run/apport.socket
   ls: cannot access '/proc/6118/root/run/apport.socket': No such file or directory

Thus, per-process, the user controls the socket file (via two separate
path locations, as shown above).

This can for example be abused to "catch" a core dump of a "tainted"
process: for such process a "core" core dump file is normally not
written, and the crash report file in /var/crash/ is created as root.
This makes a user unable to read such core dump, which is intended for
security since it might contain privileged contents. However, using
the methods above the apport.socket file is user controllable and may
for example be an (altered) Apport systemd socket file registered to a
"systemd --user" user initiated systemd process, so that the host Apport
instance can still communicate properly with the socket. Such altered
and user controlled apport.socket file may then for example save the
core dump in a file owned by the user effectively making a tainted,
"privileged" core dump user readable to the user (instead of just to
root) and thus defeating the intention of "fs.suid_dumpable=2" dumping a
"tainted" core dump non-readable to the user, as root. Due to things
happening in a root user namespace this might be difficult to exploit
for a setuid process, but it it easily doable for non-readable binaries,
as those also fall under the category of "tainted" core dumps.

Moreover, the apport.socket file may be created as a symbolic
link pointing to an arbitrary (socket) file, enabling other
damage / exploitation scenarios since Apport will follow such
/proc/<pid>/root/run/apport.socket symbolic link and, as root, communicate
with the given socket file. For example, the following will start the
whole of LXD (at least in case it was not started already) creating a
LXD network bridge, populating /var/lib/lxd/, et cetera:

   user@ubuntu$ echo 'mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /run; ln -s /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket /run/apport.socket; timeout -s 11 1 sleep 100' | unshare -Ufmpr sh

As another example, linking to /run/lvm/lvmpolld.socket will run
lvmpolld(8), as for example indicated by "Started LVM2 poll daemon." in

These things are already harmful on themselves; however, more advanced
and severe exploitation methods are likely possible from there on,
e.g., by communicating with the LXD socket in its actual API protocol
by communicating core dump contents (i.e., standard input on the Apport
socket) and / or ancillary / ucred data sent over the socket. The same
might hold true for other socket files in case of linking to them, e.g.,
snapd socket files, which may also start root processes and / or be able
to set up more complex communication over such socket.