Comment 0 for bug 1432045

Revision history for this message
Tyler Hicks (tyhicks) wrote :

$ echo "/t { pivot_root oldroot=/ /a, }" | apparmor_parser -qS | md5sum
422b222b6608dff7aca3420062aad3db -
$ echo "/t { audit pivot_root oldroot=/ /a, }" | apparmor_parser -qS | md5sum
422b222b6608dff7aca3420062aad3db -
$ echo "/t { audit deny pivot_root oldroot=/ /a, }" | apparmor_parser -qS | md5sum
9e598c327781b16acdab2d3e939279ec -

Note that the audit modifier doesn't change the binary policy file but the audit deny modifier does.