Comment 41 for bug 30963

Revision history for this message
Shunta (shuntasusuki) wrote :

I tried install alsamixergui(0.9.0rc2-1-9) on Flight7.
After that I was booting alsamixergui and checked Volume Slidebar.

Card:PowerMac Tumbler
Chip:PowerMac Tumbler
Master-->about 80% OK
HeadPhone & HeadPhoneDetect-->off
Bass x 2 & Treble x 2-->about 70% OK
PCM-->about 80% OK
Beep-->about 50% OK
DRC Range x 2-->50% OK

PC Speaker,AutoMute,DRC-->off
And Can't active Slidebar!

With GnomeVolumeApplet, all slidebar active. But with alsamixergui, PC Speaker,AutoMute & DRC can't active.This does not become a hint of the problem solving, probably will be?