Comment 2 for bug 803744

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RĂ©al Carbonneau (real-carbonneau) wrote :

Hi, I just wanted to report that with the most recent version of Aeroo, newlines in OpenERP note fields get converted to [f960362d7b9b141daa538c837c990dad]. Since many OpenERP documents have note fields which are often intended to be printed on forms, such as quotations, orders, invoices etc. and since newlines are very common in Notes, this would seem to be a bug that probably affects alot of installation.

Here is the example output of the following notes entered in an invoice:

Aeroo Output:

A simple temporary workaround I can propose is to use a replace such as:
<o.comment.replace('\n',', ')>

However it would be nice someone knew exactly what characters or codes need to be sent to get an actual new line or new paragraph in the OpenOffice output, so that this workaround could be improved while waiting for a fix.