Comment 1 for bug 113846

Revision history for this message
tchize (tchize) wrote : Re: Adept notifier with pinning


I can confirm this is a problem with adept and adept_notifier. Both ignore pinning rules in /etc/apt/preferences
i recently tried to use pinning to prevent adept from showing update for a tool i apt-sourced and recompiled with additionnal Oracle support.
here is my /etc/apt/preferences:

delbd@cal-12:~$ cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: tora
Pin: 1.3.21-1
Pin-Priority: 1000

Here is result of sudo apt-get update:
delbd@cal-12:~$ sudo apt-get update
Réception de : 1 feisty Release.gpg [191B]
Atteint feisty/main Translation-fr
Atteint feisty-security/universe Sources
4o réceptionnés en 0s (35o/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait

So, you can see, pinning preference is correctly written. However, adept notifier shows a tray icon with "1 package can be update".
Despite what original poster said, when i run adept, or click the tray icon, it really does the upgrade to 1.3.21-3ubuntu1, completly ignoring the pinning rule and i have then to manually rollback to old version...