Comment 0 for bug 1312263

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : "Save" does five different unpredictable things for new contact with no name

Ubuntu Touch r330

1. Launch Contacts.
2. Choose Add.
3. Tap in the "Phone" "Mobile" field and enter a number.
4. Tap "Save".
5. Tap "Save".
6. Tap "Save".
7. Tap "Save".
8. Tap "Save".

What happens:
3. The "Save" button appears insensitive, but is not.
4. A second "Home" e-mail address field appears and is focused.
5. A second "Skype" IM field appears and is focused.
6. A second "Home" set of address fields appears and "Street" is focused.
7. "Region" is focused.
8. Nothing.

What should happen:
3. The "Save" button appears sensitive.
4. The contact is saved.