Comment 0 for bug 1266097

Revision history for this message
Mustafa Rawi (mrawi2) wrote :

In rev144, security rules point to line 726 in hr_payroll_period/

"class hr_payroll_period_adjustment(osv.Model):"

raising an error when installing.

Didn't check if these are fixed in rev144:
The lines:
        <delete model="hr.holidays.status" search="[('name','like','Legal Leaves%')]"/>
        <delete model="hr.holidays.status" search="[('name','=','Compensatory Days')]"/>
        <delete model="hr.holidays.status" search="[('name','=','Unpaid')]"/>

in files:

try to delete previously deleted leave types, causing an error. Had to comment them out to install the module.

Several statusbars (and some headers) are placed inside the sheet using xpath. See attachment.

all Payroll Exceptions Rules raise an error when computing sheet from Advanced > Employee Payslips.
Wrong python condition defined for payroll exception rule Net Salary is less than 1/3 of Gross (NET13GROSS).
Wrong python condition defined for payroll exception rule Net Salary is negative (NETNEG).
Wrong python condition defined for payroll exception rule Net Salary is Zero (NETZERO).

End of Period wizard can not lock period using button.

If any detailed information is required, I'll be more than happy to provide it.