Patch attachments

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Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #1791463: Full build information is sent in VE to pingers Medium Confirmed 314 weeks

From: eMTee
Link: version.patch

Bug #1203743: Adch++ dont disconnect at BAN Undecided Confirmed 581 weeks
Bug #1189975: Forbidden commands in ADC Undecided New 588 weeks

From: maksis
Link: validation.patch

Bug #1133228: Suggestions for +regnick command Undecided New 603 weeks
Bug #1133239: Suggestions for Undecided New 603 weeks
Bug #1133229: Suggestions for +listreg command Undecided New 603 weeks
Bug #189241: Exception Info Wishlist Confirmed 694 weeks

From: poy
Link: Patch

17 of 7 results