Comment 0 for bug 1189313

Revision history for this message
Jeremy BĂ­cha (jbicha) wrote : Consider copying from GNOME Privacy panel

GNOME 3.8 includes new Privacy and Search settings panels which offer similar but different functionality to Ubuntu's Privacy settings panel. There are several different ways Ubuntu's Privacy panel could go. I suggest incorporating pieces from GNOME's panel in the Privacy panel.

Specifically these settings:
- Screen Lock (otherwise 3.8 is a regression from 3.6 as these setttings have been moved to the new Privacy panel)
- Recently Used toggle switch and time to retain from Usage & History
- Purge Trash & Temporary Files

But not...
- Name & Visibility probably isn't too useful in Unity

This could be an extra set of tabs that would be added with a build-time configure switch... or you could build them and only show it if the (Ubuntu-specific sadly) XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable =Unity.