Comment 43 for bug 762918

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mellofello (soumo-m) wrote :

Same basic problem, but found a potential shoddy workaround:
-Natty, Helios screensaver, 945GM/GMS/GME + 943/940GML Express IG Controller, EeePC 900HA Netbook...

When the screen locks up, I have used the VGA port to sometimes get the display back.
1. Plug-in a VGA cable (I have one hooked up to a TV anyhow)
2. Use the built-in (or pre-configure) hotkeys (for me Fn+F5) to cycle through the multiple monitor modes -wait a few secs each time

Hopefully something will reappear. In my case I have had:
-parts of the screen reappear (enough to right click a launcher in, terminal etc.)
-parts of the screen come back with other parts reappearing when spawned (eg. click gnome menu, parts unfold clearing screen)

-the whole screen comes back

-both screens come back

If this doesn't work, try taking the VGA cord out and recycling through the modes again. S-video/HDMI might work as well.

It might be worthwhile to write a refresh script you can get to with a keyboard shortcut or alias you can put in a terminal. That way you won't even need visual output to get you started.

Still no solution.