Comment 0 for bug 1277024

Revision history for this message
Alex Comba - Agile BG (tafaru) wrote :

account-invoice-report/7.0 revno 49

Following the steps to reproduce it:

create an invoice using a product with description 'VeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLongVeryLong Descr'. The report generated presents a wrong formatting: the 'Description' field overlaps the next one 'Qty' that shifts on the other ones. As a result the following columns are no longer in the right place.

The changes made to fix at this revision have introduced the bug.

This revision also overwritten the changes made to fix this other bug:

Asap I'll create a new branch containing the fixes for all bugs above mentioned. To follow the merge proposal to lp:account-invoice-report.