Comment 1 for bug 1129867

Revision history for this message
Ahmad Khayyat (akhayyat) wrote :

In the mako template files:

- <%setLang(user.context_lang)%>
+ <%setLang(user.context.lang)%>

seems to fix the last error in the original report.

On to the next error:

Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/openerp/7.0/server/openerp/osv/", line 123, in wrapper
    return f(self, dbname, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/openerp/7.0/server/openerp/osv/", line 179, in execute
    res = self.execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
  File "/opt/openerp/7.0/server/openerp/osv/", line 166, in execute_cr
    return getattr(object, method)(cr, uid, *args, **kw)
  File "/opt/openerp/7.0/addons/account/wizard/", line 172, in check_report
    data['form'] =, uid, ids, ['date_from', 'date_to', 'fiscalyear_id', 'journal_ids', 'period_from', 'period_to', 'filter', 'chart_account_id', 'target_move'], context=context)[0]
IndexError: list index out of range