Comment 6 for bug 537351

Revision history for this message
Pieter J. Kersten (EduSense BV) (pieterj) wrote :

There is a simple work around for this "problem": when walking through the imported statement, all lines that are tied partners are visible as such in the concept bank statement lines.

With new partners, you can simply press F2 in the corresponding line to alter the partner to your preference. Once saved, all later references will point to your changes.

With existing partners, you can view the bank account which led to the creation of the partner (F2, bank account, F2) and type it over or - quicker for batches - open a bank accounts view in parallel and change the partner to the right one. Delete the new partner afterwards, save it and voila.

With intermediate partners, add the imported bank account to the end partner as well. The matching algorithm will recognize this and act accordingly on next imports.

All this manual actions are required only once. In comparison with complete manual work as opted by in #2 sub 1, this saves you a considerable amount of work. With the new identification extensions in the make, chances on false creation of partners will get lower and lower, depending on the quality of the information banks provide their customers with.

As this is no longer a bug but a feature, I'll mark this bug as "invalid".