Comment 2 for bug 537351

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sraps (Alistek) (erpsraps) wrote :

1. As there is no option to filter out those, that have been created (there is no option to do search on text field). Moreover I would not want to have automatically created partner with the name taken from payment line, which are 90% crippled coming from banks.

2.This one would definitely be better, at least, for the time we do not have better fool proof option. Actually there should not be errors happening, just a not matched transaction. Even more if you do business with order or invoice beforehand, there will not be any problem. Actually I do not like that computer thinks for the human on cases, where the logic is pretty fuzzy. I prefer not to have feature that create problems, only then we will have options to have good improvements be introduced with time.

3.I am not sure I do understand what do you mean by this.

4.Probably this is good option, but it takes some time and work to implement.

So I would better choose 2nd option for now.