Comment 5 for bug 514297

Revision history for this message
Pieter J. Kersten (EduSense BV) (pieterj) wrote :

So, to put it another way:
1. Payments are done in a limited number of foreign currencies per bank account
2. The set of allowed currencies is chosen on a per bank basis.
3. There is no coercing between currencies until you explicitly say so (to the bank)
4. The value of the total amount expressed in a single currency is a guess based on the actual exchange rates from the corresponding bank.
5. The costs of coercing are unseen and unknown by OpenERP and are only fed back using transaction imports or bank message files.

I´m afraid we're raising the lid of a Pandora's box here. We should probably add the legal requirement for reporting in relation to currencies as well, which probably differs from nation to nation. Or do they require multiple currency accountancy reports over there as well?

Some ideas:
2. Can be accomplished by adding a 1:n relation with currency to a bank
1. Can be accomplished by adding a 1:n relation with currency to a bank account, which must be a subset of 2
3. Could be implemented as supplier invoices
5. Could be implemented as supplier invoices

Leaves 4. Some requirements I foresee:
A. All compute functions on account should be able to handle the multiple currency scenario
B. Reports should be able to deliver multiple currencies, depending on the moves found
C. Legal reports should be able to coerce the results to a chosen currency, based on the actual exchange rate.

Are you sure OpenERP covers all this? I didn't notice any signals it does. But then again, I didn't look for it very thorough.