Comment 175 for bug 1049466

Revision history for this message
Coeur Noir (coeur-noir) wrote :

I'm not sure if it's the right place to mention that, but I have exactly the same kind of problem with :

- wifi usb dongle with *ralink* rt2500usb chipset


- pci wifi card with *ralink* rt28xxpci

The first one has worked for me from ubuntu 08.04 till ubuntu 12.04.02 (or .03)

The second one is part of a newer pc and has never fully worked since ubuntu 12.04.02 (or .03) neither on 13.04, 13.10 and 14.04

Problems are the same for both cards : they see networks, can connect, but wifi rates are so low than it's non usable.

I have tried to compile linux-drivers provided by ralink but I'm not skilled enough and had no success. Those drivers were designed for 2.6.x kernel you can find here

Also tried with ndiswrapper, not better.