Comment 43 for bug 1813873

Revision history for this message
md_5 (md-5) wrote :

Thanks for the link Guilherme, guess that answers that question.
Given March 4 is just round the corner, I am not sure there is much can be done at this point, but I will however just echo what Tom beat me to saying:

As a software developer I fully understand and recognise the need to delay things for various reasons even if it may seem everything is primed and ready to go.

That being said I think the overall response time here has not been great at all.

A kernel regression which breaks user space programs (including the default TTY login), and has a small, tested patch available should absolutely not take 3-4 weeks to be released.

I understand that this new March 4 release will have additional unrelated patches that need that testing time, but I think breaking from the standard SRU cycle to either revert the problematic patches, or apply the fix would absolutely have been worth it - just look at the 13 duplicates of this bug and the posts on various other web forums / support sites.