Comment 45 for bug 541492

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jerrylamos (jerrylamos) wrote : Re: MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?)

i845 with KMS off but with xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.9.1-3ubuntu3 ran for maybe 20 minutes then X crashed and flashing black screen.

Ubuntu was still up so ssh in while it was constantly flashing black screen fence stripes etc. and got dump of
which are attached.

So with KMS on and intel driver on i845 X fails Beta 2 gets hard crash.

With KMS off and intel driver Beta 2 on i845 X fails but still able to ssh in.

I think I'll switch back to "vesa" since it is faster than "intel" and doesn't crash all day. Let me know if I can test anything else out, looks like 2:2.9.1-3ubuntu3 crashes frequently in case any other info would be useful.

Thanks, Jerry