Comment 26 for bug 1788321

Revision history for this message
Simon Shapiro (sheemon-lists) wrote :

Good News!

This bug is still here. Same error on

Dell Inspiron 13-7353, Ubuntu 20.04.1 (Upgraded from 18.05.5),

Linux NOMIS-inspiron 5.4.0-47-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 4 19:50:52 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Filesystem btrfs, Storage: Samsung 650 SSD (1TB).
Was working properly on 18.04, and 20.04.1 on earlier kernels.
I did not try late kernels.

It seems like I have the worst combination of configuration but innocently walked into this .

I reduced vm.swapiness to ZERO. in the hope I will encouner fewer crashes.

Please advise.
